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Easy Stenciled Damask Skateboard

Easy Stenciled Damask Skateboard

We had some fun with our original damask stencil by pairing it with our swallow stencil. We loved the combination reminded us of wallpaper. We got even crazier by using it to stencil a skateboard. It was one of the best ideas we’ve had! Try it with your skateboard and show us what it looks like!

This is what you’ll need for this how-to: a skateboard, FolkArt Stencil1 Nature Damask stencil, stencil brushes, painter’s tape and FolkArt Multi-Surface Paint

Step1:  Align the stencil on the skateboard so that it is centered. Tape the bottom and the top of the stencil down using painter’s tape so that the stencil doesn’t move while you are painting. 

Step 2: Use a stencil brush to paint the stencil. Remember that stenciling is a dry brush technique, so use very little paint and apply several coats. You can paint using an up and down motion or a circular motion. We love the “spray paint” look you get when you paint a skateboard. To accentuate this we used very little paint and only applied one to two coats.

Step 3: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry. Since you are using very little paint, this should be very fast! Move the stencil down and repeat step two. When finished, move the stencil down a third time and repeat step two.

Step 4: Allow the paint to fully dry. In order to make the pattern look like wallpaper, we filled in the gaps with the swallows. Make sure your swallow is facing the opposite direction of the swallow above it.  

Once all your paint is dry, snap a picture of it and share it with us @Stencil1.

Posted: 9/13/2014 9:09:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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